The best & worst states to live with autism children!
Search for the best states to live with your child? What states to avoid?
When you have a child with autism, where to live is the most important question to think about.
All parents desire the best things to their children. The best school, the best teachers, the best services… Parents with autism children do everything to improve their quality of life. Sometimes they are ready to relocate to provide the best possible care for children.
Location matters. Different states have different laws and insurance coverage. Certain states have laws for insurers to cover autism therapy, others-do not.
In fact, 42 states provide varying degrees of insurance coverage for autism treatments. However, Alabama, Idaho, North Dakota, Oklahoma and Wyoming have no laws to help autistic people access required treatments. On the contrary, California, Massachusetts, Oregon and Washington are perfect for families, affected by autism. These states mandated ABA without age, cap, visit or financial limits.
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